Battle of Badr Kubra (part 1)
Resulullah Muhammad SAV, Messenger of Allah. and the early generations of this people really realize that extreme pagan society of Quraish descent, and all with similar groups, will never allow Muslims simply get their religious freedom in the city of Yathrib, they were expelled after a gang of the City of Makkah and surrounding areas. For this, the Muslims were preparing everything. City of Medina in their practice so that they no longer abused. In addition to the polytheists and tribes, other tribes, aware of the Islamic forces that had been. This is what can be thrilling if they so they do not attack Muslims in the city of Medina. More than that, this so people understand that the Quraysh people immigrants who had fled from oppression pressure is not in a position of weakness and humiliation. But now they have turned into a strong community capable of thrilling and worthwhile.
Regular exercise and Preparation
Messenger of Allah. immediately trained his companions and sent them to conduct surveillance around the city of Medina on a regular basis. The goal is for practice, exploration, and preparation for war. Some of the tasks that he had delegated to his friends, among others:
1. Army led by Hamzah bin 'Abdul Muttalib. They are as much a rider of 30 people among immigrants. They were sent to the Al-'Iish by the sea.
2. Army led by 'Ubaidah ibn al-Harith. They are as much a rider of 60 people among immigrants to the area Raabigh.
3. Army led by Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqaas reconnaissance force numbered 80 people and serving immigrants along the road linking Mecca and Medina.
4. Wuddan War. Forces under the leadership of the Messenger of God. amounted to 200 men riders and pedestrians walking through Wuddan area. In this battle the Prophet. a covenant with the Children Dhamrah. One of the goals of this war is to build an alliance with the tribes-tribes that had controlled the path that connects between the City of Mecca and Medina.
5. War 'Usyairah. war with the army of 200 men riders and pedestrians under the leadership of the Messenger of God. The purpose of this war is to demonstrate the power of the Muslims in front of the idolaters, and build consensus with the tribes-tribes that found in the trade route between the Quraysh of Mecca and Medina.
6. Buwaath War. War with the army of 200 men riders and pedestrians below kemimpinan Prophet. The goal is to get to the area from the side of the mountain Buwaath to Radhwa Quraysh trade route between the cities of Mecca and Medina, in addition to pressure their trading activities.
7. Forces under the command of 'Abdullah bin Jahsh. Eight-strong surveillance among immigrants. Along with that, 'Abdullah brought a letter from the Messenger of Allah. He said not to open the letter, but two days after they travel. When the letter was opened, in which there is writing, "If you've read this letter, then keep going until you came to a palm tree located between Mecca and Ta'if. Then watch the movements of the Quraysh and provide information to us. "[1] Abdullah immediately leave until he came to a palm tree. A Quraysh caravan passed by and directly attacked by the Muslims. In this war, the idolaters who were killed, among others' Amr bin Hadhrami, while the Muslims had captured two men from among the idolaters, but a fourth managed to escape.
8. First Battle of Badr. Prophet prediction. and the friends of the idolaters really become a reality. Shortly after he settled in the city of Madinah, the idolaters under the leadership of Karz bin Jabir Al-Fihry attack animal grazing fields owned by the Medina and take a few camels and goats owned by the Muslims. Messenger of Allah. immediately moved to evict the aggressor and take back camels and goats owned by the Muslims who had them stolen. Muslim army under the leadership of the Messenger of God. when it moved up to the Wadi Sufyan, close to Badr. However they can not pursue the aggressor idolaters that they must return without a war.
Background of the Battle of Badr Kubra
Badr war that erupted between the Muslims and the idolaters triggered by several causes, among them:
1. Expulsion of the Muslims of Mecca And Possessions They Deprivation
The drums of war against the Muslims actually been beaten by the idolaters since the Messenger of Allah. missionary treatise declaring that he was carrying. They justify the blood of Muslims and their property in the city of Mecca, especially for those immigrants. They rob the house and the wealth of immigrants. Islamic people were running away and replace it with Allah keridhoan. We can see for themselves how the Quraish pagans seized and mastered Shuhaib property in exchange for being allowed he emigrated to Medina. We also can see how they occupy the houses and Muslim heritage left by the owner.
2. Oppression Against Muslims Up of Medina
What does the Quraysh against the Muslims was not only when they are in the city of Mecca. In that leadership Habbab Kurz ibn al-Fihri, they provoke the other idolaters to attack, terrorize, and control of property owned by the Muslims in Medina City (as happened at the Battle of Badr Shughra). Therefore, naturally if the idolaters receive replies to all their hostility and oppression against Muslims during this. They are so aware that many interests and their trading results will move into the hands of Islamic people there, except that now the Muslims have had an army and territory able to provide resistance to tyranny, to uphold truth and falsehood even subvert those hearted miscreant did not like it.
3. Giving Lessons To Quraysh and Restoring Property Owned Muslims
Therefore, so the Messenger of Allah. hearing that the Quraysh trade caravan led by Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, and 'Amr ibn al-'Ash with 40 people moving from Syria brought the people's wealth overall Quraysh camels numbered in the thousands, so he immediately invited the Muslims to move toward him. Messenger of Allah. said, "This is the Quraysh trade. So you guys out, may Allah swt. will give it to you. "[2] At this appeal, some Muslims, while others welcomed him feel a little weight with him. They that when the Messenger of Allah. does not mean declaring a war. Because he said, "Anyone who currently has a mount, then let him come with us." He did not wait for a friend that his mount was not there at the time.
Brief History of the Battle of Badr
Ibn Ishaq said, "Messenger of Allah. go on a few nights in the month of Ramadan with friends. "Ibn Hisham said," He left on Monday after eight days of the month of Ramadan. He lifted 'Amr ibn Umm Maktum (in the history of its name is' Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum) to become a priest in Medina, and raised Abu Lubabah as temporary leader of Medina. "
The number of Muslim troops at that time only 313 people: 240 of those from the Anshor, the rest of the immigrants. They brought 2 horses and 70 camels. While the banner of the Muslims brought by Mus'ab bin 'Umair. Badr own events erupted on Friday morning on 17 Ramadan. [3]
Abu Sufyan predictions about the forces of Islam
At that time, Abu Sufyan was known as such an ambitious and clever. He was always taking into account all sorts of possibilities and risks that may occur. He knows exactly what people have done to the Muslims of Quraysh for this. He was so aware of the power of Muslims who are increasingly experiencing improvement and development. He picked the information from each group who met as evidence of his concern for the following trades people's wealth brought Quraysh. Until he heard from several people who met that Muhammad had mobilized his friends to intercept a group that was carrying the treasure trade. Hearing this, he was soon to be careful and take another route as he sent a messenger to the people of Quraysh in Makkah City to ask for help.
Quraysh tribe Mobilization
Abu Sufyan ibn Dhamdham rent 'Amr Al-Ghifari to immediately meet with the people of Quraysh and told them the situation was going on. He was rushed to ride his camel. With a shout he said, "O people of Quraysh! Your property with Abu Sufyan threatened by Muhammad and his companions. I see you will not get it. Please ... please! "[4] Hearing this news, they were raging fanaticism. They're so worried about their trade. They move quickly. Everything is gone except Abu Lahab ibn 'Abdul Muttalib. He sent al-'Ash bin Hisham bin Al-Mughirah as a replacement. The people of Quraysh agreed to go together well in difficult circumstances and roomy. In front of the line they have a woman singer who sang and hummed taunts insult to Muslims.
"And (remember) when the devil beautify their actions, and whispered that no one will beat you on this day, and I would really be your protector."
Trade Quraysh caravan Save’s
Abu Sufyan did not just sit on my hands outstretched waiting for help from Quraish population. He devoted all his skill so they have not fallen into the hands of the Muslims. All events informansi and there he collected and analyzed until at last he knew when Muslim forces blocked off their trade caravans.
It is reported that Abu Sufyan met Majdi bin 'Amr and asked him, "Did you meet someone?" He replied, "I did not find anyone who does not know but two camel riders who stopped at the hill. Then they took the water and placed in water where they then left. "Abu Sufyan went to the place and took some fruit remainder of their droppings. Then he separated and inside the seed. He said, "By God, this is a food animal population Yathrib (Medina)." He also found out that the second person was none other than Prophet Muhammad's companions. and Muslim forces had been so close from the place. "[5] Abu Sufyan to return to the caravan while beating his face. He diverting route from one place to another, ie to avoid coastal areas to the left of Badr so that the caravan was saved.
The Stubborn Attitude to War Musyikin
Quraysh polytheists forces moving with great pride in the middle of the desert expanse, among so many Arab tribes located along the path that connect the city of Mecca and Medina female singer accompanied by singing. They are so proud of the strength and the forces there. They seek to save the caravan of Abu Sufyan and trade from the hands of Muslims. However, the caravan had been saved. Abu Sufyan himself was sure that he has managed to save their trade caravans from the siege and the target of Muslims. He also sent a message to the army of Quraysh, "Surely you out to protect the trade, the people, and your possessions. They all have been saved. So come back! "Envoy of Abu Sufyan was finally met on the way Quraish army. He conveyed the news of their trade caravans survival. Hearing the news of Abu Jahl said, "By God! We will not return until after until the Badr and stayed there for three days. We will cut the slaughtered animals, feeding, pouring wine, and listen to songs from the choir director. And the Arabs will hear the expedition and our societies so that they will always reluctant to us forever. "[6]
[1]. Tahdheeb Sirat Ibn Hisham, Hal 145
[2]. Narrated by Ibn Ishaq. Look back Sirat Ibn Hisham, 1 / 606
[3]. Ar-Raudh al ANF; 2/32-38
[4]. Sirat Ibn Hisham Tahdheeb / 150
[5]. Sirat Ibn Hisham Tahdheeb / 156
[6]. Sirat Ibn Hisham Tahdheeb / 156
Messenger of Allah, Resulullah SAV, out to intercept a Quraysh caravan trade that brought wealth. He really did not know the existence of the Quraysh army was moving toward him. He had lived outside the city of Medina, while preparing for returning troops and those who do not have the ability to fight.
Muslims Strength
Muslim forces under the leadership of the Messenger of God. amounted to 313 people. Together they have 2 horses, one of Al-Zubair bin 'Awwam and the other a property Miqdad ibn' Amr, and 70 camels which they ride alternately.
'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said, "When the Battle of Badr, all three of us a camel. Abu Lubabah, 'Ali, and Rasulullah saw. turn up the camel. When the Prophet's turn. to walk, they said, 'We're going to cover on foot. "Messenger of Allah. said, 'You two are not as strong as me, and I do not need a reward more than you two.' "
Messenger of Allah. white banners entrusted to Mush'ab bin 'Umair. While his own before there are two flags. On the right he is Zubair bin 'Awwam and on the left there is Miqdad ibn al-Aswad, and there behind Qais bin Abi Sha'sha'ah.
Strength Mushrikeen
Idolaters troops managed to mobilize 950 people, most of them come from Quraish. Together they have 200 horses and camels in very many to ride at the same time they carry their supplies and food during the trip.
Idolaters do not have a common leader. It's just that among them there are two distinguished, namely 'Utbah ibn Abu Jahl Rabi'a and with so many other men of Quraysh leaders.
Stage Intelejin and Reconnaissance
Muslim troops along the usual path traveled by the trade caravans that stretched between Badr and the City of Medina. Length is about 60 kilometers. Messenger of Allah. sent some people to do surveillance for security purposes and information from the possibility of sudden attack that would not be able to handle.
Stage One
Messenger of Allah. sent Basbas bin 'Amr and' bin Abi Zaghba Ady. They also went up to the area of Badr. They stopped at a hill near the water source. Then they took the water and placed in a small water they brought and drank. They both served to gather information. Finally 'Ady and Basbas heard two daughters of the population around each other around the water dispute. One of them said, "Tomorrow will come the party and I will work for them then I will change today that should be yours." They both then notify the Messenger of Allah. and his companions to provide analysis of such information.
Second Stage
Then the Messenger of Allah. sent 'Ali bin Abi Talib ra, Al-Zubair bin' Awwam, and Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqaas in a team to go to the source of water in the Badr while searching for information. They also managed to captured some of the Quraysh in charge to take water. Some of them were later converted to Islam, among them the slave of Banu Hajjaj and 'Abu Yasar slave Aridh Banu Sa'd bin Ash. They took him to the Prophet for interrogation.
Messenger of Allah. questioned both. They said, "We are the army of Quraysh and we do not know anything about Abu Sufyan." Messenger of Allah. again asked, "How many are there?" They replied, "A lot, we do not know how much." Messenger of Allah. continued, "How many camels that they slaughtered for food?" They answered, "Nine, and another ten days." Messenger of Allah. said, "They were about 900 to 1,000 people."
He continues his question, "Who are the leaders of Quraish who come with them?" They replied, " 'Utbah bin Rabi'a, Abi Shaybah, Abu al-Buhturi bin Hisham, and Hakim bin Hizam." They then mention some other Quraysh leaders. Then the Messenger of Allah. said, "The city of Mecca has thrown to you the pieces her heart." He said in order to convince himself.
Conducting Reconnaissance Messenger
Messenger of Allah. went with Abu Bakr to conduct reconnaissance and gathering information. He met a Bedouin who was old and asked him about about the Quraysh, Muhammad and his companions, and all news related to them. The old man replied, "I'm not going to tell you before you say who you two?" Messenger of Allah. replied, "If you tell us in advance, and we'll tell you." The old man said, "Or with that?" Messenger of Allah. replied, "Yes." The old man said, "I heard that Muhammad and his friend went out on the day of so and so. And if people tell me honestly, this means the day they had arrived at so and so (ie in the place where the Prophet. When it was). And I heard that the Quraysh came out on the day of so and so. And if people tell me honestly, this means the day they had arrived at so and so (ie where the Quraysh army was.) "When you're finished talking the old man asked," Where did you two? "Messenger of Allah. replied, "We the Maa` (water) "Then he walked away. The old man again asked, "What is Maa`? Is Maa `in Iraq?"
Analyzing Muslims Information
All information obtained from intelligence activity indicates that a trade caravan has survived and those troops are now in front of them. Quraysh army of about 900 to 1,000 people. Among them were some Quraish leaders. Their number can not be underestimated. Then what should be done in the presence of Muslims of information like this?
Thus the two armies increasingly close and they both do not know whether that will happen under a stressful meeting. That is the background of the first outbreak of war in Islamic history has God Almighty. arrange in such a way. A battle between truth and falsehood. God Almighty. says, "And (remember) when Allah promised you one of two groups that he will be yours. You hope that the group does not have to be have you. And God Almighty. want to uphold the haq with the sentence, and destroy those who disbelieve. In order to uphold the rights he and destroy falsehood even though the people do not like it be evil. "(Al-Anfal: 7-8)
All the Muslims had planned eventually changed. New things that previously unexpected look to the surface. Consequently, there view of point to be learned by reference to the following:
1. The first goal of the Muslims is to intercept the caravan trade, and not for war.
2. Lack of preparation and the number of the Muslims at that time.
3. Binding agreement between the Messenger of Allah. and the Anshor at that time was to help the City of Medina, not outside the region.
The things is that if a leader demanded to hear directly input from the troops. Therefore, the Messenger of Allah. then gather the people for deliberation.
He said, "O people, give opinions to me!" Abu Bakr stood up. Then he spoke and gave good feedback later. Then 'Umar stood up and spoke and gave good feedback. Then Miqdad bin 'Amr got up and said, "O Messenger of Allah, shall we really believe in you. Then carry out what has been ordered by the Lord and we will be with you. By Allah, we will not tell you what has been said by the followers of Moses to him, 'Go thou with thy Lord! And fight you two. We'll sit here waiting. 'But we'll say,' Go thou with thy Lord and fight you two. Truly, we will fight with you. 'For God's sake who has sent you with truth, if you go with us to Barkil Ghimaad area (at the end of the Yemen), we will fight with you against those who stand in your way until you get there. "
Then the Messenger of Allah. said to him with a kind word and prayers. Then he again asked, "O people, give feedback to me!" As if he asked from the Anshor. He wanted to hear their opinions about what is dihadapainya time. Sa'd bin Mu'adh stood up and said, "By Allah, O Messenger of Allah, it seems you want us?" Messenger of Allah. replied, "Exactly." Sa'd said, "We really believe you, we and testify that you bring the truth. We provide to all our promises and faithfulness to hear and obey. So carry what you want. And we'll be with you. For God's sake who has sent you with truth, if only in front of us there are oceans, we shall be into it with you. None of us will live. We are not reluctant to meet the enemy tomorrow. We are a people impatient in battle and honor when he met the enemy. May God show you from what we can soothe your eyes. So go with the full blessing from God! "
Messenger of Allah. felt happy. Then he said, "Go you with the full blessing of God and be happy because Allah has promised me one of these two groups. For the sake of God, as if now I'm looking at their deaths. "
Syuro Place and Position Forces
When the Messenger of Allah. forces to move against the idolaters and set up camp in front of him and took a position as a preparation before the war, he still continued to listen to the advice of his friends. Mundhir Hubbab bin bin Jamuh said, "O Messenger of Allah, if this place is the revelation that God sent down so we do not have the right to move forward or backward. Or is it just personal opinion, and war is deception and strategy? "Messenger of Allah. replied, "No. This is just a personal opinion, and war is deception and strategy. "Hubbab back saying," O Messenger of Allah, this is not the right location. Go with some people until we get closer to the source of water, and then we stop there. Then we dig some wells and a pond, then we fill the water. then we're fighting them. So that we can drink and they do not. "Messenger of Allah. said, "You really have to give your opinion."
Messenger of Allah. rose quickly along with some friends. He also went up near a water source and stop the population there. Then he ordered his friend to make a well and a large pond in the well where he stopped and filled it with water. Then they throw into it the water. They finally got the water source, while the idolaters do not get it. A group of idolaters came while holding burning thirst. They want to take water and drink it. A total killed during the Battle of Badr, unless Judge bin Hizam who had converted to Islam after that. He was so grateful to God swy. for the safety of himself at the time of the Battle of Badr. Because if not, then he shall die as unbelievers.
God Almighty. Want to Win the Truth
No doubt that the battle between Muslims and polytheists troops would be a tremendous battle. Because people with his arrogance Quraiys to take advantage of this opportunity to destroy the Messenger of Allah. and friends so that the law of paganism became the only rules applicable law. However, God Almighty. want to force the Muslims that have been built in the city of Medina and trained in such a way that successfully gave birth to the troops who are able to flap solid dust on the battlefield, after fifteen years under pressure from oppression and tyranny and defend the creed and mission they were carrying .
Therefore, be seen later that the meeting between the two will actually leave bitterness and a very, very keperihan. But behind all this, Allah Almighty. supporters want to destroy the power of falsehood and exalt righteousness and its defenders.
"And (remember) when Allah Almighty. promise to you one of two groups that he will be yours. You hope that the group does not have to be have you. And God Almighty. want to uphold the haq with the sentence, and destroy those who disbelieve. In order to uphold the rights he and destroy falsehood even though the people do not like it be evil. "
"(Ie days) when you are on the edge of the valley, while they are in remote valleys in the caravan was below you. If you make a bargain (to determine the day of battle), you would disagreement in determining it. But (Allah unite the two armies were) so he did some things that must be implemented. Namely that those who perish it will get ruin on the basis of clear information and that people who live it to get his life on the basis of a clear. And Allah is Hearing, Knowing "
"(It is) when God displays them in your dreams (in the amount of) a little. And if God shows them to you (in the amount of) a lot, of course you become discouraged and disputed in this respect. But Allah has save you. Verily Allah is well acquainted with all that what is found in the liver. And when God revealed them to you, immediately you see them in very small amounts in front of your eyes. While God in very small amounts in their eyes. Because God wanted to do a business that must be implemented. And unto God all affairs is restored "
Messenger of Allah. and their friends so excited. They chose the right place in the arena of war. They set up a podium as a place for leaders who heavily guarded. Line of troops starting in the set and the phrase "Sunday ... Sunday ..." is selected as the language code of fellow Muslims. This is to avoid kesemerawutan, where Muslim forces against his own brother when the war was raging. Messenger of Allah. ordered his troops to attack but did not start after getting the order. This is so they are not provoked by the idolaters to fight without result. Messenger of Allah. advised, "If they attack you, then Throw them with arrows. Do not you move to attack them until I let him. "
Thus the Messenger of Allah. prepare everything very well. He put everything within their proper place. He did not leave room for things that nature was suddenly without a plan. Then he gave them our trust in Allah Almighty. after working optimally limited ability as a human being.
Opponent duel
The two armies were facing each other finally. Fanaticism of ignorance was apparent in the self-idolaters. Everyone wants to show the position and courage. Emerged later Al-Aswad bin 'Abdul Asad Al-Makhzumi. He is known as a very cruel and barbaric. With a high note he challenged, "I promised God that I will drink from their pond (the pond is artificial by the Muslims), or I'll destroy it, or I'll die." He also attacked the pool. Hamzah ibn 'Abd al-Muttalib be moving. He swung his sword to cut half of the lower leg before he could get to the pool. But for the sake of vanity oath he crawled. Hamzah also directly drown in the pond. 'Utbah bin Rabi'a hooked emotionally. He wants to show his courage. Shown also bersamnya brother, and his son Walid Abi Shaybah. He was challenged to a duel. Three young men from the Ansar killed in front of them. Messenger of Allah. went back to answer their challenge. So go forth 'Ubaidah ibn al-Harith, Hamzah bin' Abdul Muttalib, and 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, all of whom are from the Prophet's family. He put them on the basis of ability and courage of their experiences in war is very famous. With the permission of Allah Almighty. They also finally managed to beat the people of Quraysh. The spirit of the Muslims and the strength back infidels began to fall.
'Ubaidah (most young men) dealing with' Utbah, Hamzah faced with Abi Shaybah, while 'Ali ibn al-Walid dealing with' Utbah.
Hamza was not stalling for time to kill Abi Shaybah. Similarly, by 'Ali to al-Walid. Unlike the 'Ubaydah, neither he nor' Utbah both injured. 'Ali and Hamzah were soon swinging their swords until' Utbah fell dead. Then they brought 'Ubaidah the army camp for treatment. This event is a good start to the Muslims as well as a disaster for the idolaters. Beginning of this terrible really has made them furious. They tried to provoke the emotions of the Muslims, but Muslims at that time did not help himself until an order came from the Messenger of Allah. to conduct attacks.
Messenger of Allah. Bermunajat To God Almighty.
At a critical time as it should be a servant to go back and seek refuge in Allah Almighty. They should really clarify intention and align goals and subdue the heart to Allah Almighty. hardships and pleasing break victory. Therefore, the resting place of the Prophet. confront face to the Qiblah, raising his hands to the sky. Messenger of Allah. also prayed for the Lord, "O Allah, the people of Quraysh had come with his arrogance. They want to deny your messenger. Oh God, I beg Thy promise. O God, give regular what has become. O God, give me what Thou hast promised me. O Allah, if a small group of people who are lost now, so you will not be worshiped on this earth. "[1]
So he kept pleaded to God Almighty. he raised his hands to his turban fell off the shoulders. Abu Bakr also came and put the turban on his shoulders. Then he said from behind him, "O Messenger of Allah, it is enough what you have to ask the Lord that He will indeed give what has been promised to you." But the Messenger of Allah. do not stop praying except after Allah Almighty. lowered his word, "Remember when you begged God for help to you. So he was granted to you. Actually I really help you with a thousand angels who are behind. And God does not make it except as a good news and to be careful you can calm him. And it is not victory but only comes from God. Indeed Allah is Mighty, Wise. "[2]
Then the Messenger of Allah. said, "Rejoice, O Abu Bakr, the troops would be crushed and turned back. Cheer for the help of God Almighty. has come. This is Gabriel holding the horse and ride control. There is dust on the teeth. "[3]
Messenger of Allah. Mobilizing Forces To Combat Morale
Although God Almighty. has guaranteed a victory for him, but the Messenger of Allah. do not sit still waiting for help from the sky. Because he was fully aware that victory will not come except to follow all instructions and the provisions of God Almighty, Preparation and honesty of heart. Because Allah swt. will not change what's happened to a people until they try to change what is in themselves. Therefore, there must be a great effort and sacrifice that fold up to the Muslims really are entitled to get help and victory.
For that, the Messenger of Allah. even down to the middle line of the troops and give the sermon (speech) military before the war began, to foster optimism and strengthen their hearts.
"For my soul is the substance between his hands. It is not someone to fight them on this day, then he was killed with patience and hope for pleasure of God, go forward and do not run from battle, Allah will put him in heaven. Arise you to paradise as wide as heaven and earth layers! " 'Himam bin Umair Al-Ansari said," O Messenger of Allah, Paradise as wide as heaven and earth layers? "Messenger of Allah. replied, "Yes." 'Umair said: "Bakh ... bakh ... (I ridho ... I ridho)." Messenger of Allah. said, "Why do you say bakh?" 'Umair replied, "No, by Allah, Messenger of Allah. I just hope that I will be occupied. "Messenger of Allah. replied, "You will be the occupant." [4] Then 'Umair out a few dates of the arrows are made of leather. He also began to eat it one by one, then said, "If I was still alive until I eat all these dates, of course it is a very long life at all." Then he threw the dates in his hand and said,
Raced toward God without the provisions
Except piety and charity to the end of the day
And be patient in the jihad for Allah
All supplies will be exhausted, unless piety, kindness, and determination.
Decrease factors victory for the Muslims became more mature and perfect, whether it is strategic preparation, spiritual, and military. While the idolaters do not know of it. They did not know the tactics to fight the new Muslims. While the idolaters are still using conventional way in the war, namely the strategy of "hit and run" attack and then retreat to the rear, attacking when in strong conditions, and steps back when they had begun to condition weak. They fight without a good strategy setting. Everything is based on fanaticism, hatred, and all. Meanwhile, the Muslims remain silent while shooting at them with arrows. They do not attack, waiting for orders from the Messenger of Allah. So many troops are killed falling idolaters arrows hit the Muslims. This is precisely what makes them more vulnerable spirit filled with fear. It was then that the Messenger of Allah. down in the middle of his troops to see their final preparations before the attack, as well as to lead his own war. Then he ordered his troops to move forward to face the Quraysh army. Cut Begin cutting sword Muslims one by one, heads the unbelievers who had been full of pride to dissent.
Muslims really shows a courage that is extraordinary. And when the great war rising, the Messenger of Allah. just go to the front of the line. 'Ali ibn Abi Talib said, "If the situation even more precarious and red eyes, so we took refuge in the Messenger of Allah. No one would dare nearer to the enemy than himself. I see myself as the Battle of Badr we take refuge in the Messenger of Allah. and when he was the person closest to the enemy among us. "
Attitudes Heroik at War
Heroic attitude and spirit of heroism on the battlefield was not the monopoly of senior friends and leaders of the army alone. But it was also transmitted to the friends of the young who do not have the experience of previous wars. Even the soul of their heroic courage equal to the Quraysh army leader, one who actually has a high position in the middle of their community. For example, Abu Jahl, an already very rich in experience of war. Is the leader of the forces revolves around the Battle of Badr forces while provoking them, "Do not ever feel weak on the death of 'Utbah, Abi Shaybah, and Walid. Because they are too hasty. By al-Lat and 'Uzza, we will not return before he scatters them in the mountains. I do not want to see one of you kill one of them. But kill them all at once so that you can teach them the meaning of the bad deeds they have left you and their unwillingness to worship al-Lat and 'Uzza. "Then Abu Jahl read a poem:
Not a tough battle to feel resentment at me
Sacrificed two years of age is still early
To iniliha my mother bore me.
The death of Abu Jahl
'Abdur-Rahman bin' Auf berkatan, "When the Battle of Badr I really was in the middle of the line. Suddenly from the right side and left two young men appeared who was very young once. As if I'm not sure of their existence. I wish now that I was in between the bones of their ribs. One of them said to me and whispered, 'Uncle, show me where Abu Jahl.' I told him, 'My child, what would you do with it? "He came back saying,' I heard that he had denounced the Prophet. I also promise to God if I saw him I would have to kill him or I will die in his hands. "I was surprised surprised made. Then the others immediately hugged me and said the same thing to me. Immediately I saw Abu Jahl walking in the crowd. I said, 'Do not you see? That's the one you asked earlier. 'They were vying with each other until they sword had killed Abu Jahl. "
In one story, 'Abdur-Rahman bin' Auf said, "I'll be very happy if I was in between them. So to those who show where Abu Jahl. They rolled like two eagles until they managed to kill him. "The young boy was the son 'AFRAA. 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, Abu Jahl found with the remains of his last breath. Then he was immediately killed. Anas bin Malik said, the Messenger of Allah. once said, "Who ever saw what was done by Abu Jahl?" Ibn Mas'ud said, "I am, O Messenger of Allah." He hurried away. Then he found her limp in the hands of the boys' Afra. Ibn Mas'ud said, "I had pulled his beard. And I said, 'you Abu Jahl? "He replied," Is the above Abu Jahl was another man who had you killed? "[5] and then he killed her and then notify the Messenger of Allah.
Quraysh leader's death
Battle of Badr also was leaving the bitterness of the Quraysh leaders and authorities as' Utbah, (brother) Abi Shaybah, and (his son) Walid. Similarly for Abu Jahl, Jama'a bin Al-Aswad, Nabih and Munabbih, Umayyad bin Khalaf and Abu al-Buhturi.
Umayyads killed bin Khalaf
Umayyad bin Khalaf was one of the leaders of Quraysh in the city of Mecca who had tortured Bilal and the believers who live there. Badr war really has made him lost his mind and thoughts. To the extent that he shouted for help to save himself from the middle of the war.
'Abdur-Rahman bin' Auf said, "I passed by the Umayyad bin Khalaf. He stood with his son with great confusion. At that time I took a few armor pieces that have become my war booty. When he saw me, he was calling me.
"O servant of God!"
"Yes," I replied.
"Are you going to make us both as a prisoner of war? Myself better than iron clothes are it. Whoever, then surely I'll make it up with a lot of camel milk. "
'Abdur-Rahman said, "I tossed the armor and reach their hands together. Meanwhile, he said, 'I have never seen a situation like this the day before.' Then he said, "O 'Abdullah, who is known as the soft fur on his chest?'" 'Abdur-Rahman said, "I told him,' Hamzah Ibn Abi al-Muttalib. "Then he said," That person who has done this and that to us. " 'Abdur-Rahman said," By Allah, I would really get them both if Bilal saw him with me. It was he who had been tortured Bilal in Mecca because of ego of ignorance of Islam. When Bilal saw him, he said, "frontman infidel Umayyad bin Khalaf. I would not have survived if he had survived! " 'Abdur-Rahman said," I said,' O Bilal, he is a prisoner. "Bilal back saying," I can not survive if people were still alive. "Then with a loud voice he cried," O Ansar people, frontman unbelievers is the Umayyad bin Khalaf. I do not survive if people were still alive. "People had gathered around us. Then I went with them. One of his sword into his legs until he fell. Umayyad shouting hysterically, something I had never heard before. 'Abdur-Rahman said, "I told the Umayyads," Save yourself! Now there is no salvation for you! By Allah, I will not help one bit. "He said," People had gathered and beat him with their swords until they put them. "
'Adurrahman said, "May Allah Almighty. always bless Bilal, he has been hurt by armor and my prisoner! "So, whoever is at odds with God, then he will lose. And anyone who challenged God Almighty. and His Messenger, then he will be the people who so humiliated. And whosoever shall be judged against his servant, then surely He will reward him with the kind replies. He made himself as a lesson and a sign of His power. And punishment of the Hereafter is actually more painful and more powerful.
"And Allah is his business skill, but most people do not realize it." [6]
[1]. Narrated by Imam Ahmad.
[2]. Al Anfal9-10
[3]. Nabawiah Sira, Ibn Hisham 1 / 627
[4]. Narrated by Imam Muslim 2 / 139
[5]. Ar-Rahiq Al Makhtum, p. 245
[6]. Jusuf 21
During the Battle of Badr took place there between a turbulent emotional bond with the belief that fought for this. Not a few of the Muslims (as well as the Messenger of Allah.) Who must find their families in the middle ranks of the idolaters. Someone might find a brother, father, uncle, or even law. Between faith and feeling each other face to face. But the feelings and emotional ties and subject to melting in the presence of creeds and beliefs that are planted so strong. Thus the character of a believer is always committed with the rules of God Almighty. alone.
"O you who believe, do not you make your fathers and your brothers for guardians if they had more love disbelief rather than faith. And whosoever of you who make them as guardians, they are the ones who do wrong. "[1]
For example, Abu Hudzaifah bin 'Utbah in the ranks of the Muslims as their parents' Utbah Rabi'a bin on the side of the polytheists. Abu Hudzaifah invites his father to fulfill the call of truth. But the father who has so far stuck in the remained strong in the error until the error finally deliver it to the end of a very bad life at all. He died at the hands of the Muslims in the middle of the war. After the victory belongs to the Muslims, the Prophet. ordered his friend to enter the idolaters who have been killed in a big puddle.
And when the body 'Utbah bin Rabi'a appointed, he was looking toward Hudzaifah bin' Utbah. He seemed to change. He said to him, "O Hudzaifah, maybe in your heart there is something about what has happened to your parents?" Hudzaifah replied, "No, O Messenger of Allah. I do not have the slightest doubt in me about my father and his death. But I knew right tenderness, views, and the excess. I wish that God gives him guidance. And when I saw what had happened to him, I also remembered how he had died in a state of disbelieve when I wished otherwise, it's made me sad. "So the Messenger of Allah. also prayed for and comforted by his words.
Together with The Prisoner
In this war, the Muslims managed to kill 70 people from among the idolaters and hold about 70 people. Messenger of Allah. 2 ordered to kill the prisoners because of their hostility and hatred that is out of bounds, but they both are the most extensive injustice. Status them more as a war criminal, not as prisoners of war. Because they had been so eager to do conspire to Muslims and torturing people who are weak from among them. Both are known as challenging God Almighty. and His Messenger. So the number of prisoners remaining 68 people.
Messenger of Allah. ask for opinions from friends about what they might do to prisoners of war. 'Umar ibn al-Khattab said, "O Messenger of Allah, they have rejected, fought, and lost. I think you should allow me to cut the neck so and so (ie his own kin). Hamzah and allow you to kill 'Abbas and' Ali killed 'Uqail. So that people know that there is no love at all in our hearts against those who join gods with Allah. I see that you do not need to make them as prisoners. All their necks. Soldiers, leaders, and their leaders. "The proposal was approved by Mu'adh ibn Sa'd and 'Abdullah bin Rawahah.
While Abu Bakr said, "O Messenger of Allah, they are the people and your family. God Almighty. has granted victory to you. I think you should let them as a prisoner and you're asking from them a ransom. Ransom so they can be the source of our strength to face the infidels. And may Allah swt. provide guidance to them through you so that they too will be defense. "
Finally, the Messenger of Allah. take the opinion of Abu Bakr. He also handed out the remaining prisoners (68 people) to his friends as he instructed, "Treat the prisoners well" and then he received a ransom from the prisoners. The rich would pay one person for about 1,000 prisoners to 4,000 dirhams. While poor people, some of them just released without any ransom being asked. He also demanded from the prisoners who have the knowledge to teach the children of the Muslims to read and write as a ransom for them.
Ukhuwah pious virtue
Abu 'Aziz ibn' Umair bin Hashim bin Mush'ab brothers' Umair, a prisoner Yusr Abu al-Ansari. One day Abu 'Aziz by and met with his brother Mush'ab. Mush'ab was said to Abu Yusr, "Hold your hand from tawananmu, because his mother was a rich man. He'll make it up for you with a lot of property. Abu 'Aziz, his brother said, "O my brother, this is me?" Mush'ab said to him, "Verily he (Abu Yusr) is my brother than you."
And when the ransom demanded, her mother asked what the biggest ransom given to freeing the Quraysh. Then say to him 4000 dirhams. The woman was sent a 4000 dirhams and redeem his son. So how pious ukhuwah was more valuable than just the built fabric of brotherhood based on blood kinship and descent. Because ukhuwah pious brotherhood that is built on truth and the way of Allah Almighty.
Being law POWs Messenger
Abu 'Ash bin Rabi' bin 'Abdul' Uzza captured when the battle of Badr. He is the law of the Prophet., The husband of his daughter, Zainab. Abu 'Ash is the Mecca that is calculated in terms of price, honesty, and trade. His mother is Halah bint Khuwaylid, sister Khadija bint Khuwaylid. Khadija used to ask the Messenger of Allah. to marry him to his daughter, Zainab. Khadija was considered like a son. And because the Prophet's consideration. not reject the request of his wife. This happened before he was appointed as a prophet.
But when the revelation was revealed to the Messenger of Allah. and people were noble hostile Quraysh, Abu Lahab said, "Make Muhammad occupied with herself, and her daughters from their husbands." He also ordered her son, 'Utbah until he divorced the daughter of the Prophet. He also went to Abu 'Ash bin Rabi'dan asked to divorce Zainab. "Ceraikanlah wife, After that we will be married you with the Quraysh women wherever you want." Ashes "Ash replied," No, by god, I'm not going to divorce her. "I do not want my wife to replace Quraish women."
Messenger of Allah. praised his attitude at that time. And when the people of Mecca brought ransom for prisoners of war, Zainab was carrying the treasure to ransom her husband, Abu 'Ash. He brought a gift of a necklace by her mother, Khadija, when he was married to Abu 'Ash. When the Messenger of Allah. see, also directly touched her deeply. He said, "If you're willing to release him and restore their property, then do it." Friend replied, "All right, O Messenger of Allah." They were freed Abu 'Ash and return the necklace belonged to Zainab. This he did because Abu 'Ash let Zainab helped migrate to the city of Medina. Messenger of Allah. itself has freed some prisoners of war without any ransom payment or the least, given the demands of their conditions for this.
The results of the Battle of Badr
Battle of Badr (with all the results that he Harakah torehkan for Islamic history and the history of all mankind) has become a lesson that is very obvious to Harakah Islamiah and for the future course of history. God Almighty. call that day with the name "yaumul Furqan yaum iltaqa al-jam'an" or the day of distinction, the day the two forces met. This war itself provides several important results include:
1. Battle of Badr was a barrier between the two bonds and the difference between that and a false haq. Muslim powers getting stronger so that the Arab land was helped into account. Truth appears on the surface with the creed of the signs and the basic principles of carrying.
2. Quraysh Tergoncangnya position in the eyes of Arabs and people of Mecca turmoil slap in the face of the unexpected.
3. Muslims emergence as a force that has meaning and influence. This caused many tribes who lived along the Makkah and Syria made a deal with their agreement. Thus, Muslims have managed to control these pathways.
4. Before the war erupted Badr, the Muslims concerned about the presence of non-Muslims who live in the city of Medina. But after they returned were in fact just the opposite.
5. The growing hatred of the Jews against Muslims. Some of them began to show hostility openly. While others became an agent who brought the news about Muslims around the Quraysh people and provoke them to attack Muslims.
6. Quraysh trade activities became increasingly narrow. Eventually they were forced up the path through Najd Iraq out of fear when controlled by the Islamic people. And this point is a long path.
7. At the Battle of Badr, 14 people from among the Muslims died as martyrs; 6 people from among the immigrants and people from the 8 Ansar. While part of the idolaters of 70 people were killed and 70 others managed to captivity. Most of them are leaders and lords of Quraysh.
From the Battle of Badr
Those who study the event the Battle of Badr and events contemplated by the incident carefully, will undoubtedly many lessons that he can take. Include:
1. Promise of God Almighty. for those who believe and try to be assiduously followed the victory would have. What did he want to be there and no one can resist.
2. Verily Allah Almighty. will not uphold the rights and undermine falsehood except through the hands of people who are always patient and jihad.
3. Togetherness, unity of command line (leadership), unity is a road that will lead to victory and success.
4. The new war strategy and preparation is one factor in victory in the war. This is what has been done by the Messenger of Allah. the Battle of Badr. He fought the idolaters with new strategies and experiences of the Muslims.
5. Robustness of the creed is able to give a feeling of strong tsiqah, improve morale, and educate the true warrior. God Almighty. said, "How many groups with small amounts can defeat a group with significant amounts with the permission of Allah. And Allah is with those who are patient. "[2]
[1]. At-Tauba 23.
[2]. Al-Baqarah 249
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